I'm betting on that control thingy behind the glove box. I'm probably going to just deal with the problem until money isn't so tight (wife / co-driver has Ovarian cancer and has been home getting chemo ($4k a month) instead of driving & we are in the process of getting our own operating authority after 3.5 years to top it all off. PhuzzyGnu, you are correct, the Autoshift has a clutch. It has a pressure sensor that goes into an air junction box located under the cab on the driver's side. But had thought that that the problem occasionally happening when the lights are turned on and the back off could indicate a ground problem.Īllan5oh, the 387 does not have a brake pedal switch like you are thinking of (does have a clutch switch $115, but not the prob). Rawlco, I have no idea what a Vorad system is, nor a Smart Cruise. He also said that last time they had a truck with a problem like this, they called Peterbilt (I guess KW is lost on 387s) who told them the problem is usually in some sort of control panel located behind the glove box. He said they checked all the wiring and everything looked perfect. The KW gut said they tightened up a main power cable to the fuse box, cleaned some corrosion on some of the fuse contacts and replaced a relay. $270 and three hours later the cruise is working intermittently like before. After 2 days, I got it into KW in Salt Lake (nice facility, btw if nobody has ever been there, they have over 40 service bays, and a newer facility) and like most service writers the guy completely disregarded what I told him, so I had to re-explain everything to the tech who came out to the truck after a couple of hours to let me know that they needed to order the brake light pressure sensor (which I told them I had just replaced.

Well, the things worked flawlessly for almost two days, then quit and wouldn't come back. So I don't think I have helped you, but good luck. It happens only when it is very wet and everything outside and under the truck is soaking wet. During wet weather the return stroke of my windshield wipers causes the idiot light in the airbag deflation switch to flash on. In my TMC truck which is a 2006 pete 379 I have one electrical gremlin. If a circut breaker is tripping out from a short it would reset in a few seconds so the cruise could be re-engaged. You can also check weather the cruise has a fuse or a self resetting circut breaker. The electrons seek the easiest path to ground and in your case the easiest path may be backwards through the brake pressure sensor. Grounding the radio directly to the frame rail with 12 guage wire as well as grounding several other body panels to the frame rail solved the issue. Something about the connection from the body panel where the CB was grounded to the frame could not handle the extra grounding needs of the electric trailer brake controller. I had a issue in my old rusty pickup truck where applying the brakes when towing an electric brake trailer caused my CB radio to cut off. Places I would check include the ECM and primary fuse/relay box.

Probably too much paint between the frame rail and a ground wire. I am thinking you may have a poor ground connection somewhere.

Sometimes, turning the headlights on and then back off will cause it to kick out.